The future of intelligent lighting Not only provides lighting (3)

                      Smart and save electricity lighting system

Although automated lighting is good, but most of the networking lighting system is still in a relatively primary stage, they are more on the traditional lamps and lanterns has added to the remote control switch and preset automatically adjust schedules, is still far from smart.
As a set of intelligent household lighting system, Light Sentry is expected to cost for the user to save a lot of indoor and outdoor lighting. The system can use natural light sensors to automatically adjust the strength level of lamps and lanterns is needed, the user can also according to the environmental conditions, seasonal change, and even time to adjust.

 Light Sentry component with a set of natural Light sensor, it can monitor the outdoor Light conditions, so as to activate, close, adjust the indoor lighting power consumption. And most importantly, the user does not need to deploy intelligent bulbs, only need to use some simple installation components, Light Sentry system can run on the common lamps and lanterns. In addition to natural Light sensor, Light Sentry also includes a used to interior control and computer synchronization, accept information center, many used to activate the control switch and plug.

Light Sentry the advantage of this design is that it is different from other system data from the Internet for sunrise and sunset, but real-time monitoring the local environment, and maintain synchronization, to ensure that in the different dynamically adjust the indoor lighting, outdoor lighting environment so as to provide the best lighting conditions of the same will power consumption to a minimum.